Τρίτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Alexis Tsipras’s shameful support of Venezuela’s Maduro ignores the painful history of Greek military rule

What on earth has happened to Greece’s tradition of solidarity with democracy and human rights? Why is Greece, the European nation that lived under a foul, cruel, corrupt right-wing backed military junta from 1967-74 sending a message of support and endorsement to a foul, corrupt, military-backed dictatorship in Venezuela?
One has to admire the chutzpah of Juan Guaido, the brave young president of the Venezuelan national assembly. He has invited the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, to come to Venezuela for a week to see for himself the despair of the country’s citizens as they look upon their president Nicolas Maduro, and the generals and admirals who back him to the hilt. After his vocal support for Maduro it is unlikely Tsipras will take up the offer.
Guaido’s party, Voluntad Popular (Popular Will), is affiliated to the Socialist International, the global federation of left-wing and socialist parties. The Socialist International’s president is George Papandreou, the former Greek prime minister, whose leadership was broken by European conservatives who insisted upon imposing the austerity measure that has cost Greece’s a decade of decent existence.

For more..... see here 

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