Κυριακή 16 Ιουλίου 2023

Italian State Official Tries to Hide Asian Albanians Origins


Angelo Masci was an Italian state advisor and an attorney. He worked at the Santa Sofia of Epiro Calabria. In 1810, he was appointed Royal Commissioner for the divisions of state property, for the provinces of Calabria and Basilicata.

In 1817 and in 1820 he ascended to the position of Counselor of State. Furthermore, he was also a chaplain of the Royal Greek Macedonian regiment.

Masci was Greek. His last name has been modified as it is different from his parents’ last name. His uncle Giuseppe Bugliari was in fact Greek and a priest near Edessa in Greek Macedonia.

Pasquale Baffi mentioned in the link above was another cousin of Angelo Masci and he was a Greek as well.

These people started getting ready for the creation of the Albanian state and the invasion of Epirus and were manipulated by the Italian Church to tell lies about Epirus.

Angelo Masci published a book called Discorso sull'origine, costumi e stato attuale della Nazione Albanese (Discussions on the origin, customs, and current state of the Albanian nation), book currently promoted by the Albanian state

Why didn’t the Albanian state make Angelo Masci’s book public?

Angelo Masci: Albania area was called Illyria Graeca or Macedonia

Angelo Masci reminds us: “-Alexander: later with unspeakable courage challenged the pride of Roman power while the fields of Epirus smoked under the ruins of seventy cities” (Romans proudly burned 70 cities in Epirus).

Angelo Masci knows that Albanians came from Asia:

“This diversity has excited in the writers the idea that the Albanians are not indigenous to Greece, but that they derive their origin from the ancient Asian Albania located between the Black Sea and the Caspian” and mentions the authors that agree that Albanians came from Asia.

Angelo Masci is a disinformation agent, who trained Albanians to say absurdities. He claims that Achilles in the Epirotan language was called Aspetto

But Aspetto in Italian does not mean “fast” but means “wait” and “appearance”.

Angelo Masci mentions Strabo: “Strabo reports that Theopompus numbered 14 Epirote nations… and they were all mixed with Illyrians”… but Albanians were not mentioned…Masci is frustrated.

Angry that cannot prove the origins of the Albanians, Angelo Masci writes:

“But why go looking for the origin of the “Macedonian Albanians” among the Asians and the Scythians, if you can find it in Greece itself? And no arguments begged, but history bears very clear witness to all this. The Greek writers, taking the Albanians for what they really were, that is, indigenous to Macedonia and Epirus, never questioned their origin. That Region, which today is called Albania, was formerly denominated Greek Illyrian, the Greeks esteemed the Albans of Illyrian lineage…”

Angelo Masci mentions Massagetes as the Asian Albanians and that they are Turks. Then he goes on to say that Turks have nothing in common with Albanians and are a different nation (not true). Why are the majority of the words in the Albanian language of Turkish origin?

In fact, Massagetes were the ancient Alans or Arrans, another name for Caspian Albanians. Author: “Massagetes that now we call Alanos live in the Caspian Sea”

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